Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Quips and Snips and Quotes for Every Occasion

My husband has heard me bewail that I can't find an appropriate quote or toast for my ToastMasters' assignment and kindly bought me a book called The Friars' Club Bible of Jokes, Pokes, Roasts and Toasts for Christmas.

I appreciate the gesture, but I don't believe that the "jibes" in this book are the sort of inspiring words that are fostered by Toastmasters.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Hairy Hairy Night

This was one of those weird and hairy Club meetings. As usual, I felt some deep-seated anxiety before the meeting. I was ready an hour too early (I still haven't put my watch back like everyone else in the province... gives me a sense of 'being on time' although I sometimes forget, as I did tonight).

We got to the Center driving through the fog. One of my Clubmates breathlessly pulled me aside and told me that just right outside the Center, in a snowbank, she had observed a couple having sex. She was shocked but had wanted to make sure the woman involved was not being raped. It seemed that they were both highly inebriated (what kind of drug would make them so oblivious to cold snow and passersby? Alcohol?) So, she was a little traumatized, although she said she does spend four hours a week on the crisis line as a volunteer each week and has seen and heard just about everything.

Then, because we were sparsely populated tonight, I found myself filling the following roles: Timekeeper, Uhms and Ahs Counter, Secretary to the Business Meeting, Ballot Counter, Greeter, and I evaluated a speech. Next week I'm down to be Toastmaster. Yikes.

We had a guest speaker tonight from one of the other local clubs. He talked about how we don't use our voices to full benefit. Very interesting speech, with demonstrations of how we can change our breathing, etc., to make a difference to our delivery. He also brought cookies.

I emailed a friend in Ireland to tell her that I ran across a blog by a Toastmaster in a Club not far from where she lives. I suggested that since she is eloquent and enjoys having fun, she might be interested in joining Toastmasters. I told her that in our Club, for example, we have a city planner, an engineer, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a former hypnotherapist, a chiropractor, a ski rescue team member, a man with head injury, a philosopher, and who knows what else? We blend and we learn. It's cool.

But right before the evening starts, I get the usual performance anxiety... always.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Faux Pas: Putting People On The Spot

There is a great deal of civility built into Toastmasters... old fashioned courtesy and politeness, courtliness and kindness.

I really blew it last week. It was my 10th speech and I did it on "The Big Question" as in 'asking the important question'. I thought it would be clever to go around the table and commend my Clubmates for what I thought I knew of one or two of the important questions they have asked themselves.

Well, I assumed a lot.

Sure, I won the Best Speaker award that night, but the next day I received an email from one of my Clubmates who was not impressed by my having used her as an example without having asked her permission, or at least having warned her, initially. I felt awful, but obviously not as awful as she felt. I apologized for my insensitivity and we resolved the matter. This was a real humbling learning experience for me... even though I'm 57 years old, I still make the kind of mistakes that I used to chastise my children for making.

I received some wonderful feedback from a long-time toastmaster who just dropped in to the meeting (she was in our town visiting her brother). She wrote: "Instead of guessing questions that individuals have (I thought this was so clever and would be so entertaining) state the suggested question. Ask how many have asked themselves that question-- that way no one is put on the spot." Wow, this is really something I will take to heart!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Power of Asking Questions

I'm putting together my next Speech (#10 towards my Competent Communicator designation) based on Tony Robbins' suggestion in his book Awaken the Giant Withinthat we use Empowering Questions to bring ourselves along the path to successfully achieving our goals...


being the multi-tasker that I am, I am also looking up possible homeopathic solutions for bites on my leg (they're itchy-- looks like I should be using some Rhus Tox, but apparently not with Apis, since they are hostile towards each other.) I also decided to dip into some of the current webtraining I am doing. That led to a scan of the Concise Oxford dictionary for possible redirect website names. And while doing that, I came across the following Swedish athletic term I have never before heard:

Fartlek, n. (Athl.), method of training for middle- and long-distance running, in which athlete runs over country, mixing fast with slow work. [Sw. (fart speed, lek play)]

I'm not sure if this is a very useful and empowering question or not, but I'll ask it: who knew?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tonight I'm the Timer

For some members, the "Timer" would be a sort of fundamental, introductory leadership task at the Toastmaster meeting.

For me-- my stomach is in knots and my mind threatens to go blank.

I am one of those right brain lead folks who finds numbers-- and that includes 'time'-- causes stress.

I am going over the Manual with detailed notes so that I can manage to pull this off without passing out or embarrassing myself in some other way.

This is how I am breaking it down:
(1)I am stressed. I have negative images of what MIGHT happen (catastrophes) that could well become what my unconscious picks up as a command. Instead I am going to create positive images including:
**********I am cheerful and calm. I arrive early at the meeting and help with the set-up (I am also the Greeter and Ballot Counter)
**********I set up the timing equipment with no glitches.
**********The VP-Education has put together a clear and easy-to-follow Agenda with all the timing marked.
**********Before the Meeting begins, I ask a member to evaluate my role as Time-keeper and ask the scheduled speakers how long each of their speeches will last.
**********I have a pad of paper next to the timing equipment so that I am able to jot down what I need to jot down and recite it. I also have brief notes to explain what I must say to introduce the role of Timer.
**********Timer is also supposed to signal the Chair, Toastmaster and Table Topics Master with red when they have reached their allotted time. Need to check this out in advance.
**********I will come up with some clever titles for the various Table Topics folks as I time them (the last Timer was particularly good at that)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Coming Speech

My husband and I have been in Vancouver helping our elder granddaughter (big age 2) transition with her new baby sister (born October 7th). I have 'farmed out' my secretarial tasks in the Toastmaster's Club at home, and have pretty much deferred the writing of a speech.

But words DO run through my head.

I'm not surprised to find out that there are tons of resources on the Internet. Here are some you might be interested in learning more about:

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Debt is Dumb?

Watch finance-evangelist, Dave Ramsay, and pick up some of his superlative communication skills:

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Club's Humorous Speech Contest

Last week was a bit of an eventful meeting-- I was Toastmaster for the first time (it went well) and our Vice President- Education resigned since she has just too many commitments on her plate at present. Fortunately, for us, a bright young guy in our fold consented to pick up the VP-Ed role-- the most challenging Club executive position, I understand.

And it appears that we are still planning to run our "Humorous Speech Contest" (for the Club) next week. I would love to finish my 10th Manual project with something hilarious-- but for the life of me, I feel so un-funny and really a blank when it comes to putting together a humorous AND inspiring 8-10 minute speech. I am going out to work in my garden and see if I become inspired...

Here is a really animated and helpful video of a Toastmaster doing a humorous speech:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ToastMasters Jitters

Tonight I'm the Toastmaster for the first time. It means that I am scurrying to fill a speech spot at a time when most people are either working or unwilling to do so at such an advanced time.

I'm actually considering doing my Number Ten speech and trading the Toastmaster's role with someone else for this week (I don't think I could manage both with much aplomb).

I just ran across a Public Speaking Group on-line that looks interesting. You can check it out here. I'm not sure I can afford it right now, but it looks intriguing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Flop Sweat at the Comox Valley Toastmasters

Well, there I was, feeling all calm and chuffed about getting up and doing my #9 project in the Competent Communicator manual... I was going to demo a Green Smoothie in the Vita-Mix (as I talked about here previously) and had everything in place. Or so I thought. Turned out I left the lid for the Vita-Mix at home in the dishwasher. An inauspicious time was had by all. I just carried on, in the true spirit of Toastmasters (surely a bastion of stoicism if ever there was one). One very sweet young man, who did my evaluation, suggested that I might want to re-do the same speech another time so as to do it with the lid... that it was possible to do that. mmm. I don't think so.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Countdown to the First Speech of the Season

I'm scheduled to give a speech on Wednesday night after a summer of laziness in extremis (as far as speeches go-- okay, in general lol). I am nervous and feel that strange blankness that feeds into my anxiety. I have a topic, but I'm not 100% "up" for it-- enthusiastic, maybe. I plan to go into the group and demonstrate the Vita-Mix by making a Green Smoothie. The project is #9= "Persuade with Power".

Persuade with Power

The idea with this project is to get others to understand (that to be healthy we need to eat about 12 servings of fresh fruits, veggies and grains every day), accept (we can cook the veggies and destroy their enzymes or the only way we can break through the tough cell walls of the fresh fruits and veggies to get at the nutrients is with the amazing Vita-Mix-- no other appliance can do this) and act upon the ideas I present (go away with a strong commitment to start making and drinking Green Smoothies at home).

I'm having trouble starting this project because I'm trying to undertake TOO MANY goals for a 5 to 7 minute speech (where I also plan to do a demo of the Vita-Mix and hand out small samples of Green Smoothie-- frankly, that terrifies me.) I want to convince them of the health benefits of the Green Smoothie AND of the necessity of having a Vita-Mix to get optimal nutrition from the Green Smoothie. Can this be done effectively?

Here is what I would like to convince my audience:
  • for health and longevity, you need to consume fresh fruits and veggies in abundance each day

  • to get at the nutrients in the fresh fruits and veggies, you need a powerful way to break through their cell walls

  • you can get more nutrition from a quart of Green Smoothie than you can from chewing up a bag of oranges, a bag of apples and a whole stalk of celery, for example.

  • you can get more nutrition from a quart of Green Smoothie than you can from a handfull of vitamin pills ("supplements") and "green" powders.

  • you need only one appliance to get at the benefits of the Green Smoothie, and that is a Vita-Mix (10 appliances in one).

  • you will get more benefit from drinking a Green Smoothie than you will from drinking a fresh juice extracted with the conventional juicer

  • Green Smoothies are not only healthy, but also delicious

  • I want to inspire them to be hopeful about their health (energy, vigor, etc.)if they have current problems. I want to have them clamor to look at the Vita-Mix materials I will be taking with me to the meeting, to ask questions, and, ultimately, to go home and decide that they are going to make changes in their lifestyles.

    They must trust me. I must have credibility.

    Hmmm. Will they trust me? I guess that I have gotten to know quite a few of the Club members through our weekly meetings and more casually on Facebook, but what do they see when they look at me? Someone who is healthy and energetic, or someone who is still struggling to lose weight and regain lost energy? I am pretty healthy, I think. While people all around me have been succumbing to sore throats and nasty summer "colds", I have remained unscathed. Every morning I have a Green Smoothie after a walk with my dog and husband, and a 20-minute jump on my rebounder. I guess it is important for them to know that the Green Smoothie is not the "silver bullet"-- that good health is still a process. I can testify, however, that since I began using the Vita-Mix for Green Smoothies, I have indeed lost some weight (35#)and regained energy (I'm digging a lily garden in my front yard and don't need naps during the day like I used to). Like the man from the Gilette commercial, I was so enthusiastic about my Vita-Mix that I chose to get involved with the company as an Affiliate. (Just like my Clubmates, if you choose to buy a Vita-Mix 5000 from me you can get FREE standard shipping just by giving the order clerk the code number 06-002685. That's a saving of $25 for Americans, and a whopping $35 for Canadians. Just mention this number when you phone in your order to 1-800-VITAMIX or 1-800-848-2645.) I believe it will be useful for me to prepare a bit of an introduction to give to the ToastMaster so that I can include some of the "qualifications" that I bring to the presentation with me.

    Burden of Proof

    In previous speeches involving health I have had the kind of feedback that leads me to believe that some of the class members are already 'on side' with the benefits that I believe in. I know that there is one clubmate, for sure, who believes that we are created to eat animal proteins, so he might be a harder 'sell'. Logic and EMOTION are needed to encourage people to change their points of view. They will also want to know "What's in it for me?" so I must focus, as much as I can, on the benefits.

    Finally, I am going to have to organize my thoughts very carefully and thoroughly before I produce a clearly understood message.

    Thank you for going through this with me! For more information on the amazing Vita-Mix, please see the following:

    Fast Food that's fresh from the garden

    A whole food diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is the key to a long and healthy life. Creating terrific-tasting, nutrient-rich whole food meals in the Vita-Mix Super 5000 is the fastest and easiest way! Try it RISK FREE for 30 days!


    Steaming hot soups & sauces in 4 minutes

    Juice whole foods in 60 seconds

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    Grind grains and knead dough in one 5 minute operation
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    Making whole food juice that’s full of fiber and flavor in under a minute.

    Making frozen treats that are full of fruit and low in fat in only 30 seconds.

    Grinding fresh whole grains into flour and kneading dough for healthy home made bread in one 5-minute operation.


    Whirled Soup



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    More product information, click HERE.

    Sunday, September 2, 2007

    Wednesday, July 25, 2007

    Proper Elocution

    I blog quite a bit. Recently I have begun a sort of amateur attempt at video blogging... For some odd reason, when I suggested that I had a Blogger account, they sent the videos here. So you can see them on July 23 and 24... fairly unrelated to ToastMasters, except that I am holding forth and I certainly seem to be calling for some evaluation of my speaking skills!

    Last night I went with a friend to the summer session of ToastMasters in our community-- two clubs amalgamated to form one of sufficient numbers to hold a meeting. My friend had an opportunity to observe quite a bit of fraternal "networking" take place. One chap asked her what sort of work she was in and when she said she was a pharmacist he told her that the manager at the Safeway was looking for someone, etc. We got a business card from a massage therapist for a friend of ours who is experiencing pain (she is a pharmacist also, with a counter that is too high for her petite self). One of our members has just launched a foundation so we are all going in to look at her new website. And the chap who knows the head honcho at Safeway also arranges yachting expeditions, so I gave him my husband's name and phone number. And lots of laughs as well, of course. ToastMasters is great.. if you haven't thought about it seriously, you might want to.

    Monday, July 23, 2007

    Smooth! Canteloupe & Blueberry Green Smoothie

    Summer ToastMasters

    "Toast" by Richard Jack

    This is just an update, since, formally, our ToastMasters club doesn't meet again until the Fall... However, we are given the option to meet on Tuesday nights with another club.

    I am so lazy.

    However, this morning a friend called and asked about ToastMasters in general, and then suggested that she would like to come with me, as a guest, to the next meeting. Hmmm.

    So, I will be calling the woman who is graciously co-ordinating this 'extra' bit of effort and let her know that we will be coming along to the meeting tomorrow night. I'm sure there is a good reason for this....

    Since 2004, over 4 Million people have decorated their walls with splendid art
    posters such as the piece called "Toast" by Richard Jack above today's blog. You can too! Simply Click on the picture above or on here

    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    Joy of Feet-- No. 8 Speech

    Here's my Speech #8 ( I used visual aids)

    When I was growing up on more than one occasion my Grandfather R.—who came from a family of about a dozen kids and who had six kids and multiple grandchildren—would say to whoever was visiting, “When Cyndy was born, she had the longestttttt feet I had ever seen…. I have never seen such llllllllooooooooong feet on a baby."

    I loved my Grandfather and I was brought up to not ‘speak back’ to my elders, but I really wanted to say something like, “Put a sock in it, Grandpa” I didn’t get the point of his repeated exclamations over the size of my infant feet.

    I grew up feeling very ashamed of my oversized feet. And frustrated. All the really nice shoes were displayed in a size 6…. Or so it seemed…. By the time it got to my size 9-10, all the nice parts of the shoe were out of proportion and looked like they had been designed for Bozo the Clown.

    But, really, I came to terms with my feet in my thirties. I suddenly came across other women—lots of them actually—who wore bigger than size 8s. Shoe stores started to have additional racks for bigger sizes. Seemed like the American female actually had a bigger average shoe size than we had been led to believe by all those dainty little shoes that they used as samples.

    Then, somewhere in my late 40s I suffered from something called Plantar’s Fasciitis, a painful condition that led to expensive orthotics (that were covered by my work’s health plan). Now I had to look for big shoes with inserts that could be removed so that the orthotic could be placed inside. Not too many pretty or elegant shoes for women with big feet AND orthotics. So I began to settle for sturdy and comfortable.

    That is until I went to my son’s wedding in Manila. Here I was with a shimmering satin gown that needed a lovely pair of sandals to set it off. No problem, I thought—is not Manila the home of the mega Shoe Mart malls, the shopping haunt of that maven of multi-shoes herself, Imelda Marcos?

    Yes. There are entire shoe ranches in the malls of Manila…. Acres of glorious shoes.

    Cheap too.

    But imagine my frustration and humiliation to find that Size 8 is a rarely requested shoe size in all of Manila. They have the most professional and courteous clerks I have ever come across in Manila—but it didn’t help. I could sense that they wanted to hide their laughing mouths in disbelief.

    There are only two times when my dear and sincere husband’s over-solicitousness has really bugged me. Once was when we were walking through a grave yard of my ancestors final resting places in the Niagara region of Ontario. I had spent a year gathering all the information of who’s who, and was looking forward to a leisurely walk, savoring these dried fruits of the family tree. But there was Ed, running excitedly and helpfully up and down the rows, yelling out, “Here’s one and here’s one and here’s one”.

    Well, it was a similar situation in the Manila mall shoe hunt. Acting partly from self-preservation, I am sure (that is, “If Mama not happy, nobody happy), he went off on solo reconniterrings, brandishing a sandal or shoe, and yelling from across the store something along the lines of “this one looks pretty big”.

    I did finally find a pair of sandals in some larger size. They pinched across the toes, but if I carefully slipped them off while I sat, I was comfy and my dress hid the fact that I was unshod. As long as I didn’t walk—or put them on—they fit fine.

    When we came back I went back to comfy again. What a thrill to find that my little granddaughter, with her mom’s small feet, has fun with the big clunky shoes in the family—real fun. And nobody is going to tell stories about any part of her that was too big, or too little, or stuck out, or whatever…. Or not in my presence they won’t.

    And music has even veered away from the nasty Fats Waller’s “Your Feet’s Too Big” theme to a children’s song by Bob Sakayama celebrating big feet and other out-of-proportion body parts.

    Friday, June 8, 2007

    Lucky Number Seven

    "Hidden Depths"

    Well, it was a long time in the coming, but I finally went back to the Club and did my Number 7 speech on "Fasting".

    Now I have one more speech to do before we break for the summer.

    Last week our Club President, ever the Pep Rally-er, gave us a spiel on "selecting a topic". He showed us a method of brainstorming by ourselves. After we have blasted a blank sheet of paper with any number of ideas, then we are instructed to choose one of the topics and do another brainstorm on it... after that, just arrange the ideas into a sort of order, and voila! you have your speech framework!
    Since 2004, over 4 Million people have decorated their walls with splendid art
    posters such as the piece called "Hidden Depths" above today's blog. You can too! Simply Click on the picture above or on here

    Sunday, April 29, 2007

    Fasting as a TM Topic

    This Wednesday I am going to be presenting on the benefits of fasting at my ToastMasters Club. Meanwhile, I am doing a 168-hour (7 day) fast. Want to read about it on my HealthiaCynthia blog? Click here. I'd love to hear your comments!

    Any Young Living ToastMasters out there???

    Margarete from my Young Living Essential Oils upline is also a ToastMaster. We have heard from a couple of others. If you are a Young Living distributor and would like to form a YL TM group, just let me know!

    Thursday, March 22, 2007

    A Full Table....

    Wow-- there was a room full of folks at the last TM meeting-- seems like we are becoming the popular place to be! Maybe Wedding season is coming up and there are people who have to do crash courses in MCing? Not sure, but there were double the usual number (16)-- lots of 'visitors'.

    I evaluated the Table Topics.

    Next Week we have a Speech Contest and I signed up to be an Evaluator of the 'target' person they bring in. Very interesting.

    I am not at all anxious right now-- with another 6 days to bone up!

    Thursday, March 8, 2007

    Full House

    It was amazing last night to enter the room and have to scramble with my eyes to find an available seat... there were 12 of us there (usually we max at about 8). The energy is really amped up with new members!

    I got to be a "prepared" Table Topics Master yesterday and had one of the older members evaluate my work.

    Next week I have offered to do my Speech #6... vocal variety... so that the option is open for me to enter the Speech Contest on March 21st. I am also down to be the Greeter at the Door (Sgt. at Arms?)

    Thursday, March 1, 2007

    You Could Have Knocked Me Over With A Feather

    So, I bounced off to ToastMasters last night, and when I got there I discovered that I had been assigned the task of "General Evaluator" for the evening. I was shocked! I'm a relatively recent member of the Club (joined in December) and have only done five speeches! However, on the other side of things, I AM fairly mature, shall we say. I guess there is this recognition that people can be stretched and won't actually break.

    I felt a little flustered and I made a couple of false starts, but I was guided back. The pleasant surprise was that I was evaluated as GE and have a partial project completed in the Competent Leader Manual-- I hadn't known about that. Next time I am going to be the Table Topics Master and I plan to be evaluated in the Competent Leader Manual. Seems only fair. And next time we need to pay our dues for the next year or six months, whatever.

    Three new members. Life is good in Toastyland!

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007

    The Evaluation

    Last session went very well-- probably my best effort thus far. The real icing on the cake was that there were THREE new members awaiting my arrival (well, not REALLY waiting MY arrival-- just a dramatic way to state that they were there and when I opened the door it was a huge and lovely surprise to see new faces). New members are the lifeblood of Toastmasters. Yes, it is lovely to have seasoned members to learn from, but there is something so very sweet and exciting about fresh recruits. You know...

    So, while I am not doing a speech tomorrow night, I stuttered out that I would act as a speech evaluator. What stands out particularly about a ToastMasters' meeting is that just about everything that happens there is evaluated... no exaggeration.

    Evaluation is, simply, the process of listening to, observing others at work, and providing your feedback.

    Many of us join ToastMasters to improve our speaking and leadership skills. Evaluations help us to do that. We prepare and present speeches from a manual-- initially the "Competent Communicator" Manual. Our club members generally take turns acting in an evaluator role.

    An evaluator's approach and what he/she has to offer have a great impact on the speaker, and on the club in general. I was greatly relieved to have been gently treated at the first couple of meetings, but was a little surprised when one of the seasoned evaluators was quite disparaging about the type of hand gestures my fellow-speaker used. I have since heard a large number of evaluations and recognize that we all have good nights and bad nights, and that sometimes a seemingly "harsh" evaluation is just the result of that evaluator's humanity-- maybe he didn't get enough sleep the night before, or he is feeling under the weather, or maybe he is 'triggered' by a certain kind of hand gesture. Best not to personalize.

    I will strive to offer a helpful "middle ground" between a harsh and overly kind (i.e., smarmy and dishonest)evaluation.

    Evaluations help with developing good listening skills and good critical thinking. As we hear evaluations, and take a turn at giving them, we are quickly able to be helpful, positive and motivating to the receiver. Of course, the same happens for us as we are evaluated. It is interesting to note that there are a number of public figures who are/have been ToastMasters, such as former BC Premier, Bill Bennett, and Tracy Wilson, Tim Allen and Napoleon Hill, to mention a few. Apparently Bill Bennett would have every speech he gave in the Legislature evaluated by selected and trusted staff members (who I am assuming were also ToastMasters?).

    Tuesday, February 20, 2007

    Talking Head

    Communist Orator Harangues the Crowd at Speaker's Corner Hyde Park London

    So, here I am, 56 years old and a gaga novice in ToastMasters. I've been doing another go at the "Artist's Way" (I've started on Week 1 of the 11 week regimen)and I believe that TM appeals to me because I am actually able to do some creative writing and stand up and spiel away about any topic I so choose. It is a very creative process. I am at a point in my life where I am attempting to recover my creativity.... but I honestly had NO IDEA that I would end up in ToastMasters.

    I got involved because I am fairly new in this island community and I began to feel like it was time to reach outside my (lovely little) Church community and get acquainted with some community folks. At least I think that was the motivation.

    I headed out one dark, rainy, winter night (November) for a location I really wasn't too familiar with, and in a car I hadn't driven for about six months. This is heady stuff for a middle-aged, introverted, middle-income, semi-retired, myopic, white woman. Got my juices running, if you will.

    The small group of strangers in the austere room at the rec center were friendly and very...hmmm...civil? courteous? polite? Those very gentile traits that are rather rare on the ground in the 21st Century. I was shaky and giddy, but I felt very welcomed. It was a little like going to a school reunion back on the prairies... people looked vaguely familiar and they treated me like I was someone that they maybe knew as well.

    Kindness is such a scarce commodity these days that it is sometimes rather suspect. The fact that the 'core' group of ToastMasters have been coming for several years is an indicator, I think, of the genuineness of their bonhomie.

    And although 'communication' is supposedly at the foundation of the program, I believe that there is a sincere love of people operating in the little club that I attend... and a love for the written/spoken language. Outside of an English department, where are you going to find that in a group these days?

    I am putting together my fifth speech (of ten-- towards my Competent Communicators' award, the first level in ToastMasters).

    Unfortunately I have left it to the last day and now must attempt to learn the mechanics of gestures and movement, write the actual speech, and rehearse it so I won't need notes. Feels a little like a cram, but I know that that is just one of those silly nightmare echoes... the reality is that I will go in, do my best, have a few laughs, learn some great stuff (even about myself), and come home feeling 100%. I highly recommend the experience!
    Since 2004 over 4 Million people have decorated their walls with splendid poster art such as the poster above,
    "Communist Orator Harangues the Crowd at Speaker's Corner Hyde Park London"
    , and you can too! Just click on the poster above the blog, or here.