For me-- my stomach is in knots and my mind threatens to go blank.
I am one of those right brain lead folks who finds numbers-- and that includes 'time'-- causes stress.
I am going over the Manual with detailed notes so that I can manage to pull this off without passing out or embarrassing myself in some other way.
This is how I am breaking it down:
(1)I am stressed. I have negative images of what MIGHT happen (catastrophes) that could well become what my unconscious picks up as a command. Instead I am going to create positive images including:
**********I am cheerful and calm. I arrive early at the meeting and help with the set-up (I am also the Greeter and Ballot Counter)
**********I set up the timing equipment with no glitches.
**********The VP-Education has put together a clear and easy-to-follow Agenda with all the timing marked.
**********Before the Meeting begins, I ask a member to evaluate my role as Time-keeper and ask the scheduled speakers how long each of their speeches will last.
**********I have a pad of paper next to the timing equipment so that I am able to jot down what I need to jot down and recite it. I also have brief notes to explain what I must say to introduce the role of Timer.
**********Timer is also supposed to signal the Chair, Toastmaster and Table Topics Master with red when they have reached their allotted time. Need to check this out in advance.
**********I will come up with some clever titles for the various Table Topics folks as I time them (the last Timer was particularly good at that)